Barry Grafe

Barry Grafe

Barry is extremely knowledgeable about shower enclosure designs; and anything pertaining to glass, mirror, acrylics, and screens. His approach is to listen and explain options that will benefit homeowners with their wants, needs and desires; while giving them quality and customized features.

He was born and raised in Redding, CA and has traveled to many different States in the United States and countries abroad. His favorite place is Placer County! He enjoys the scenery, the vast openness for 4-wheeling, and enjoying a great time outdoors.

Barry Jeepin ~ his second love and past time

In his spare time Barry enjoys anything with a motor. He enjoys 4-wheeling, bicycling, mountain biking, motorcycling, kayaking, camping, and hunting.

He is a Veteran and served in the U.S. Army for three years in Germany.
He is outgoing and enjoys interacting with all people and is open to answering questions about any & all glass projects.